
It’s been right nippy.  Down in the low 30’s F(0’s C) at night, and in the 40’s-50’s F (4.4-10 C) during the day.  My heater’s been coming on fairly regularly, especially last night.  It’s 29F (-1.6C) at just after 7 a.m. this morning, and I’ve already been thinking about taking the lap robe off the back of my chair and putting it over my legs.

These past two nights, I’ve been snuggly buggly sleeping under my waffle blanket and bedspread with a microfleece blanket Z-folded at the foot of the bed that I can pull up if I need it.  That back bedroom tends to be a little colder than other parts of the house because of that stupid sliding glass door — but that’s OK.  I like sleeping warm in a cold room.

I think next time I make these slippers, I’m putting a ribbed cuff on them.  They tend to want to pull off unless you wear them over socks.  That said, they do keep my feet warm.

My carafe, which is technically for coffee, is great for hot tea as well.  Three bags is what it takes.  I’m having one made with two bags of Twining Earl Grey and one bag of Stash Double Spice Chai with a small blop of apple juice in.  It’s just lovely, all hot and spicy.

Snowflake crocheting continues.

That’s a size 0 (1.8 mm) hook, BTW.  Those at left will look like the one below once they’ve been blocked, coated with stiff stuff and sprinkled with opalescent glitter.  Alas, the glitter doesn’t photograph well at all, but it makes them glitter like real snow.

The ones I’m working on now have double trebles (dtr) and triple trebles (trtr), and if I never do another picot . . . .

Author: WOL

My burrow, "La Maison du Hibou Sous Terre" is located on the flatlands of West Texas where I live with my computer, my books, and a lot of yarn waiting to become something.

2 thoughts on “Snuggly-Bugglys”

  1. It has become colder here too though I don’t think it has yet hit zero, not in town, at least. At home we run the heating only in bursts, such as when we get up in the morning or around lunchtime if it’s really cold.

    Tigger can handle the cold. In fact, she prefers it to the heat. I hate the cold and feel it badly. When the thermometer goes down I start adding layers to my clothing. The problem with that is that when I go into shops and cafes which have the heating turned up I start to feel uncomfortably warm.

    If I were rich I would migrate like the geese, spending the summer in the UK and the winter somewhere warmer.


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