Assumptions and Defaults

We have computer spell checkers to thank for people who think apostrophes are involved with forming simple plurals (apple’s rather than apples). These are the people who were bored to death in English class, didn’t pay attention, and assume the computer is right when it isn’t. What is catching them out is the limited memory allocation for spell checker programs. The spellchecker data base only has the atypical plurals (change “y” to “ies”) and the exceptions to the rule (flag “deers” as wrong and inquire if it needs an apostrophe). It assumes, for the sake of memory usage, that you know how to form a simple plural, and flags them simply because they’re not in the data base. (You’re supposed to add them.) And asks you if you’ve maybe left out an apostrophe.

I have been using the Windows 11 version of Word for some time now, which has a grammar/punctuation checker function that my earlier version did not. Granted, it is good for catching things like an extra space where there shouldn’t be and periods that were left off, and such like. And Word has “smart quotes” — opening and closing quotation marks. Sometimes you get an opening quote when there should be a closing quote (especially if you’re editing), and the grammar function is good at catching that. But, as for its other suggestions, I am beginning to understand why some of the books I’ve read from these little independent niche publishing companies are so strangely punctuated.

I just typed the sentence: 

“I am striking out on my own, but in the direction I wish to go.”

And the grammar function seemed to think there needed to be a comma after the word “direction.”

And it wants to take the apostrophe out of possessives where the object is not stated but implied, like “my aunt’s” meaning “my aunt’s house.”

At least it accepts the Oxford comma. Mmmmph.

Amusing Musings

I’ve been reading the novel Shogun by James Clavell. It is set in Japan around 1600. Elizabeth I is on the throne of England. Portugal (da Gama and Magellan) has sailed around the horn of Africa, and circumnavigated the globe. Portugal is making a mint importing spices and exotic goods from Southeast Asia and “the Japans.” Spain (Jesuits, Cortez and Pizarro) is busy conquering and plundering the Americas. England and the Netherlands want their piece of the pie. The secret to the far east is the log book of the navigators, the “pilots,” who have been there and know how to navigate ships by sun and stars and set the course that gets you there. (– which solves the latitude problem. It would take another 150 years to solve the longitude problem.) Pilots keep meticulous notes on the star and sun sightings, weather, currents, coastal features, etc., in this log book, which at this time is called a “rudder.” Blackthorne, the English navigator, has managed to obtain what amounts to a Portuguese state secret — a Portuguese rudder that tells how to get to the Japans. He has been guiding a fleet of Dutch ships across the Atlantic, around Cape Horn and the stormy seas at the tip of South America. Through storms and encounters with the Spanish, only one ship manages to reach Japan and is nearly wrecked on the Japanese coast. So, imagine a man with 17th century attitudes, who speaks English, Dutch, and Portuguese encountering the language and culture of Japan for the first time. The book has to do with the aftermath of Blackthorne’s mental and spiritual train wreck as a result of that culture clash.

The book was originally made into a miniseries that was broadcast on TV in 1980 staring Richard Chamberlain as Blackthorne. It was filmed on location in Japan, and when the female lead (Yoko Shimada) was cast, there was a good deal of gasping and clutching at pearls among the Japanese about this big-deal Western heartthrob actor being cast alongside “their” Japanese actress (To be fair, there was still a sizeable segment of the Japanese population that remembered the American occupation of Japan after WWII, among other things.)(We know now what we didn’t know then: How little danger her virtue was in.) The miniseries was broadcast over five days, and was a big deal. I was working at Texas Instruments at the time and there was a Japanese programmer in our group. After each episode, we’d rehash it over lunch and she provided some interesting insights into Japanese culture and told us how accurate the English subtitles were. The miniseries has recently been remade and is available for streaming on Hulu. I may or may not watch it. I have the original miniseries on DVD, and I will definitely be rewatching that.

Reading the book got me to thinking about the Japanese language. Learning to speak it would be easier than learning to read it, and coming from European languages, it would be a booger to learn to read because it is a ideographic rather than an alphabetic language. It would be orders of magnitude harder than learning to read Russian, or any of the Indian languages, or Southeast Asian languages, where you only have to learn a small, finite set of alphabetic symbols for the sounds of the language. Learning Japanese (or Chinese, come to that) requires memorizing thousands of abstract visual symbols — one per word.

That got me to thinking about how hard English is to learn as a second language (English speakers — like the French — have never felt particularly obligated to pronounce all the letters in a word . . . ). In England, the printing press was invented right smack in the middle of a great linguistic shift when “the language of the Britons” was amalgamating and digesting Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Latin and Norman French into something more resembling modern English, and shaking off the remnants of Anglo Saxon orthography (through, rough, night) and regularizing the spelling between different dialects of English with varying proportions in the admixture in an age when there was no standardized spelling and people tended to spell words the way they said them. As a result, English spelling is “half baked” — the printing press set the spelling in lead type before it was completely sorted out, which makes reading English a mine field of mispronunciations. (tough cuff, through though, to two twin, neighbor, and the ever popular “I” before “E” except after “C” or unless it sounds “AY” as in “neighbor” and “weigh” — or it’s “weird” . . . In English, the exceptions to the exceptions to the exceptions have exceptions, except when they don’t . . .) And then there are those nouns that change stress when you use them as a verb: CONvert, but conVERT; PROject, but proJECT; CONtract but conTRACT, etc.

Compared to other European languages, English has acres of vocabulary that is a history lesson in itself. (The Anglo-Saxon speaking peasants call them chickens, pigs, and cows when they were raising them, but their Norman French speaking overlords called them poultry, pork, and beef when they sat down to eat them.) We inherit our compoundwording tendency from the Angles and Saxons, who were a Germanic (Haustürschlüssel!) people: Hotdog, bookkeeping, ditchdigger, wallpaper, etc. The Vikings gave the language a massive nudge toward simplicity by “immigrating,” marrying their Anglo-Saxon neighbors’ daughters, and refusing to put up with all those Anglo-Saxon case endings (especially the ones that changed the pronunciation) and all those other grammatical fiddly bits. 

And then there is language as a means of transmitting culture from generation to generation . . . . 

English How She Is Spoke

A living language is a dynamic language. It changes and evolves over time to better fit (and boldly go!) the changing and evolving milieu of its speakers. New inventions and concepts need names so that they can be talked about. (Insert video clip of the Dowager Countess of Grantham ingenuously asking, “What is a ‘weekend’?” here) Words also drop out of common usage because people don’t need to talk about those things anymore for whatever reason. (That’s what makes Shakespeare so difficult. Everyday life has changed rather substantially between his time and ours, and many of the words that described everyday life at the turn of the 17th century have dropped out of “common knowledge” over the intervening 400+ years.) (Ask a Millennial why you refer to ending a phone call as “hanging up.” or what “Betamax” is)

One way we make new words for new things is to combine words in new ways (which English inherited from its Germanic roots), like “hatchback” and “skateboard.” “History bounding” describes the practice of recreating and adapting garments from a particular historical period to make them part of your everyday wardrobe. CosTubers (Costume+YouTube) have whole channels devoted to the practice. This is not to be confused with “Cosplay,” (costume+play), which is the hobby of recreating the costume of a character in film, television or print to wear for fun, or “-core” where a person incorporates aspects of their “core interest” into their daily life (cottagecore, medievalcore, bardcore, etc.). We now have “spheres” or the concepts, practices, and participants to do with a particular interest or activity (the blogsphere, the Twittersphere), and “-verses” — the “fictional universe” in which a particular film, book, or TV series is set (the Potterverse, the Duneverse, the Whoniverse, etc.)

The meanings of words can change over time. A case in point is the word “terrific,” which literally means “causing terror.” It has acquired the additional meanings of “great size, amount or intensity,” and is now used as an exclamation of approval. Terrific! One has only to listen to a Millennial or GenZ to appreciate that the words “sick” and “stupid” have also acquired additional meanings beyond the literal, as has the word “awesome.” (If a Millennial describes your child as “stupid cute,” that is a high compliment.) In addition to its literal meaning, “gnarly” has acquired two other meanings that are exact opposites: awesome and excellent versus gruesome and unpleasant.

Words become streamlined, like “app” (from “application”) and “phone” (from “telephone”). A “fanatic” has been a “fan” for quite a while, but now they congregate at “cons” (from “convention”), buy “merch” (“merchandise”) and there is typically cosplay involved. “High resolution” becomes “hi res” and “low fidelity” becomes “lo fi.” Some phrases get stripped right down to acronyms. “By the way,” becomes BTW, “laugh out loud” becomes LOL, and “in my humble opinion” becomes IMHO. We used to have a US President; now we have a POTUS.

How we use words changes, too. Not so long ago, “extinction” was a state of being. The dinosaurs became extinct. They were no more. Now it’s a destination (“the point of no return”) as more and more species go extinct. We’re doers now. Scientist do science. Mathematicians don’t analyse things mathematically anymore, they do math to it. Pregnancy went from a state of being (you either are or you aren’t) — “she became pregnant,” to something you caught like a disease — “she got pregnant” to the result of encountering a trip hazard — “she fell pregnant.” We used to “set foot” (A virgin forest is where the hand of Man has never set foot.) Now we “step foot” — which has a certain logic to it, I suppose, but not quite the same ring.

Mysteries and No Wonders

Caught a glimpse of something shiny on the carpet. Found this on the floor beside my dining table. No idea what it is or where it came from. My best guess is that somebody lost it, and it was on it’s way to Plainview (where all lost things go to be found) and it overshot the runway. . .

I had just woken up when my brain broadsided me with this scene set in a story in progress. Didn’t dare wait for the desktop to boot up. Just grabbed a piece of paper out of the printer and a bp pen to put it someplace where I could find it again. No wonder word processing is so much better than writing in longhand.

I Made Good on My Threat

I’ve been threatening for some time to gather all my prose writings into one place, and I’ve finally made good on my threat.  The new blog is called “A Box of Special Things.” Not only does it collect bits of creative writing posted in other places, but there are two new bits never before posted.  So, if fiction is your jam, hop over and take a look.

So the Darkness Shall be the Light, and the Stillness the Dancing.

The title is a quote from T.S. Eliot, East Coker, The Four Quartets.   The stillness has been my dancing lately.  I’ve stories I’m working on that have been going well.  I’ve a piece of knitting by my computer that I knit a row or two on while I’m rereading or thinking about what comes next.

I’ve accumulated a list of tasks to do when I reach critical mess*: Two loads of washing — my dirty clothes hamper is almost too full again and the bed is due for changing, plus another load or two of blankets and lap robes that need to be washed and put in storage for winter, now that summer is half over.  There is my yarn stash to be sorted through and organized, and the new additional** storage bins to be put in place and WIPs to sort into finish-its  or frog-its.

With a drawer and a basket full of WIPs, of course I’ve started a new shawl out of Malabrigo sock yarn, color “Teal Feather.”  One of those easy, mindless garter stitch shawls growing out of a two-row repeat with fiddly bits at each end, asymmetrical with a crescent curve and a nice little detail for each edge.  Something light for autumn.  It’s currently living by my computer, handy for story work.  From all my years as a transcriptionist, I tend to think with my hands. It’s such a hard-wired circuit, from brain to fingers.  Knitting when I’m not typing, to keep the fingers busy and the thoughts flowing.

This was why there was a plate beside my keyboard, a roast beef and Münster cheese sandwich on a piece of pita bread cut in half, and a package of apple slices.  I had some of those breaded shrimp the other day, the kind you buy frozen and bake in the oven.  Of course, I had Tartar sauce with, and I always save the left over Tartar sauce for roast beef sandwiches later, to spread on the side of the bread the roast beef goes on, with mayo on the cheese side.  The pickle bits in the Tartar sauce always go so well with the beef.  I have these little sauce dishes I got from Pier One, blue and white to match my dishes, although not the same pattern.  They’re made for the various dipping sauces you get with Japanese food, but they work just as well for Tartar sauce for shrimp, or ketchup, or individual dollops of margarine to set on the bread plate at each place when I have dinner parties.  Anyway, I just slip dish and all inside a baggie and put it in the refrigerator.

Next Tuesday I get to go to the dentist for the next step in the jaw-tooth implant.  This will be the  setting of the post, which will also entail bone grafting, and which is why I’ve been wearing this (tea-stained) thing on my lower teeth, at first all the time (except when actually eating), and now just at night.  Still fighting the legacy of large teeth and small jaws — I had to have 4 wisdom teeth plus 4 perfectly healthy bicuspids pulled just to make room for the teeth I had.  But because my front teeth are so long, I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough to get the guide into my mouth that is required in order to place the post for the implant to replace that way-at-the-back molar. So my dentist made this mouth guard for me to wear to lengthen (and relax) my jaw muscles enough so that hopefully I could open my mouth wide enough for him to get all the gear in that he needed to finish the implant.  Anyway, it worked and all that happens Tuesday.   Then there will be more months of waiting while the bone graft heals before we can proceed to the final step, which is placing the crown.

My mom’s new phone came in today so tomorrow I will go over and do the change out.  As I said, hopefully I can save her phone book to the new SIM card so I won’t have to re-enter all those phone numbers for her.  Again.  I’m going to go early enough in the afternoon so that I can stop by the nail place on the way home and get a manicure.  My nails are bad about getting those little slivers at the edge of the nail that peel up into the quick, and a professional manicurist can nip those in the bud.  And anyway, we’re supposed to stimulate the economy, right?

T.S.Elliot can be a bit impenetrable, but now and again, a gleam of something sparkly. It’s 9 p.m. and I want to get on to other things.  I’ll end as I began with another quote from the same poem.

“The dahlias sleep in the empty silence.
Wait for the early owl.”

*"critical mess" is like "critical mass" (the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction. in atom bombs), only it's the minimum amount of clutter, disorder or dishevelment required to trigger the "I can't stand it another minute" response that provokes you to do something about it.

**skeins of yarn, like cats, accumulate.

In App Purchases and Other Abominations

Some marketing genius came up with this thing for games called “in app purchases” — You give the game away for free but let people buy more of the tokens they need to continue playing the game for some piddly price like $1.99 or $2.99.   Loose all your lives?  Buy five more for just $2.99.  Need more bombs or fizzies?  Buy 10 more for $9.99.  You get the idea.  Insidious and not a little sleazy, if you ask me.   Of course, you can get more lives for free if you wait a set limit of time — like five more lives if you wait 24 hours.  I’ve got about six games of this ilk downloaded to the Fire 10-inch tablet.  When I’m in that mood, I play one until I use up all the lives on that game, then go on to the next one.  I can play for quite a while doing that and I get the additional satisfaction of beating their racket.

I’m teetering on the brink of starting the first of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander books.  I’ve read all her “Lord John” books, and I really liked them, but I just don’t know whether I want to get into that whole Stürm und Drang of a soap opera that is the main story line.  I got the first book (“Outlander“) as a free download for Kindle at some point and I’ve bought the second book in the series (“Dragonfly in Amber“).  They’re hefty books — door-stop class. Lord John doesn’t even make an appearance until Dragonfly in Amber and he’s only 16 at the time.  Sheesh.  Maybe after the first of the year.

— Speaking of “in app purchases,” Amazon Kindle frequently takes an older/longer/completed series of books whose sales are starting to run out of gas and offers the first book in the series for free as a limited time offer — which is how I got the first Outlander book as well as several others.  The idea is, of course, that if you like the first book, you’ll spring for more books in the series.  That’s “Amazon” spelled “o-c-t-o-p-u-s.”

Pet peeve number umpty-eleven:  Books written in first person.  Just not into it.  Not sorry.

Here’s your helpful homemaking hint for the day:  How to serve toast (for three or more people).  Cut the piece of toast on the diagonal, from the left upper corner to the right lower corner.  Then close up the two pieces like they were a book cover and stand them up on a plate.

Do the same for each slice. This way there’s room for you to insert a finger to pick up the piece of toast without touching the piece next to it.  (Of course, you’d want to use a bigger plate.)  This would also be a great way to serve Texas Toast if you garlic-buttered each slice, then cut them and put them together like this on a sheet of foil, which you wrapped them up in, then put the foil package in the oven to melt the butter.   You, too, can be the hostess with the mostest.

Nuts.  Now I’m hungry.

n.b.  In case you haven't sussed what I'm doing, I have long made a habit in this blog of linking words to their definitions when I think the usage is idiosyncratic to a particular place (Texas), region (South), or country, or is one of those off-the-wall idiomatic expressions English is prone to; this for those countries who speak a different brand of English, or for whom English is not their first language.