Yarn Overs and Hushpuppies

I had another Gazyva infusion Tuesday, and all my lab values were good except my albumin and total protein, which were low. My lymphocyte count was actually low, which was astonishing. (And heartening.) All my other CBC values were normal, including my differential. So, big Yay! there. I had slacked off on taking High Protein Ensure with my morning and evening meds. Guess I will start doing that every day again.

Still no Venclexta. I’ve been off it since Monday. The VA supposedly finally mailed the prescription last Friday, and it was mailed from Dallas, so no surprise it’s not here yet. I had titered up to 200 mg a day. He wants me on 400 mg a day for a year. Because the medication is potentially toxic and is so expensive, I can only get a month’s supply at a time, so I’m going to have to do the antsy-will-I-get-the-refill-in-time-not-to-miss-a-dose-dance every durn month. As I may have mentioned earlier, dealing with the VA is like pushing a rope. Sigh.

The orchids are winding down their blooming. Only two have blooms now, the purple #5 Orchid (the new kid) and Mr. Ball, the white one. Evidently, world domination is a life goal of arrowhead plants (Syngonium podophyllum) — which don’t bloom, BTW. The cutting I potted is going great guns, and the cutting I’m rooting in water has put out roots enough to be potted, which I need to do. As soon as #5 Orchid is done blooming, he will be repotted. Evidently, each variety of orchid blooms a set number of blooms. Mr. Ball has put out eight blooms both times he’s bloomed for me. #5 Orchid and the rescue orchid also put out six blooms.

I’ll have to wait till next blooming season to see how many the purple stripy #4 Orchid puts out. It was being bullied in the store and the top part of its bloom spike was broken, which is why I “rescued” it. What remained of the spike had five blooms. Evidently, different species also bloom for different periods of time. Last time he bloomed, Mr. Ball started putting out a spike in January, and his blooms pooped out in August. Don’t think he’s going to last that long this time.

In the knitting news, getting rid of six grocery sacks of yarn means I can buy more yarn, right? This is Juniper Moon Farm’s Moonshine yarn, colorway “Swimming Pool.” It’s single ply, a “4” which my yarn chart says is a “worsted, Afghan, Aran.” I’ve already started on the shawl this is for:

And then there’s this, which I bought to make this:

And then, there’s this, which I already had, to make this:


I need to go on a hat finishing bender. I could finish one a day if I only would. I also need to repot the bamboo.

I bought myself a pair of skinny jeans. (That was the pair I returned to Walmart because it was a Miss size and I’m not.) Found a pair in the right size. Ever notice how most of the people wearing skinny jeans aren’t? Speaking. Sigh.

I have a wallpaper program that draws from a file of pictures I’ve collected over the years because I think they’re pretty. Even though my desktop is extended over two monitors, it still chooses a different picture for each monitor. Synchronicity happened this morning.

Two different pictures of the Milky Way. When you see something from two different points of view (binocular vision), that’s how you get depth perception . . . . .

Author: WOL

My burrow, "La Maison du Hibou Sous Terre" is located on the flatlands of West Texas where I live with my computer, my books, and a lot of yarn waiting to become something.

2 thoughts on “Yarn Overs and Hushpuppies”

  1. Thanks for the note about the arrowhead plants. There’s been a sudden invasion of orchids in our HEB. I stared at them this week, and contemplated bringing one home, but then I considered the sudden upsurge in potential hurricanes, and decided against it. If I ever see one of those purple stripey ones, though, I could be tempted.


  2. So… about the Hushpuppies… Shoes to go with your new jeans? Cornbread to go with a good hot soup?

    I hear you on the VA struggle. My sister uses them, and danged if the last thing they told her was that she had to drive 200 miles to find a clinic where she was covered to remove some stitches. I wound up taking them out for her. Seems like they are dedicated to making some things as complicated as possible.

    Love your flowers – you definitely are The Orchid Whisperer!


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